Mar ‘21 - Jun ‘21 _  Grey’s my favorite colour

*to see the results of this project, click here*

In the past year (2020) we have gone in and out of lockdowns, working from home, meeting online. The lines between private and professional, work and play, have blurred.
Everything takes place in the same space, our own room.
‘Grey’s my favorite colour’ is a mini collection of garments revolving around 3 questions:

I. What am I actively doing the most? (REALITY)
II. What do I long doing again the most? (DESIRE)
III. What would I like to say the most? (STATEMENT)

Each question is visualised in one outfit, but all the items can be interchanged to merge and form combined looks.


“The days crawl by, spent
staring at screens, following
online classes and press
Eating, working, relaxing,
all in the same spot.
I’ve become part of the furniture,
glued to my chair.
The one thing I do not do, is
sit up straight.”

timelapse of Tuesday the 23rd of February 2021

collage from survivalist YouTube videos on ‘how to wear a woolen blanket as a garment in the wilderness’

“The key garment of look I was inspired by my own habits at home. I would often wrap myself in my fleece blanket to stay warm during online meetings and working in the same spot all day long.
Following the tutorials of survivalist types on how to wear a blanket in the wilderness, I created a system with grommets and wooden toggles to wear a blanket in multiple ways.
This system is carried out throughout the other 2 looks.”

draping try-outs


collage of Liv’s personal photos made at various festivals (2018-2019)
“Long nights and no sleep.
Dancing with friends and strangers,
but at the end of the night, strangers become friends.
Smells of beer, sunscreen, and sigarettes, lingering in your hair.
Tens of thousands of people,
all singing the same words.
As we come together for just a few days,
we become one and the same.
Together at last.”

Initial moodboard “DESIRE _”

Inspired by festival culture from the 60s until now, look II is based on the technique of crocheting using found and second hand materials.

material samples; hand-crochet with various yarns & metal wire


Flamingo Jacket - Janet Lipkin 1982
Oz socks - Susanna Lewis 1978
Granny Takes a Trip jacket
Off we go into the wild blue yonder - Susanna Lewis 1977

Inspired by the ‘Art to Wear’ movement from the 70s, where arts & crafts were used to make statements, Liv collected various handicraft items found at thrift shops or made by her grandmother.
Each individual item was once made with patience, attention and love, which, in Liv’s opinion, is often lacking in our fast paced, shallow culture.

By combining these items into a new garment, made with equal amounts of love and attention as the originals, Liv wants to express her own appreciation of arts, crafts, and all other things made with attention, and therefore love.

Reduce, Reuse, Rephrase.

left: original pieces _ right: treated with black fabric dye

final sketches looks I, II, III

Liv Helena Kiggen - 2023