Hi! My name is Liv Kiggen and I am a 23-year-old designer who graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven (NL) in the Identity
department, June 2022.
Through my work I aim to share my perspective on matters and promote acceptance and openness towards the individual and our humanness as a whole. These concepts materialise in delicate and sensitive designs closely related to the human body, often wearable.
My work combines poetic stories and messages with an equally convincing execution focussed on craft and quality, showing my strong eye for detail and aesthetics.
I have a strong sense of what I do and do not want and every choice I make is thought-out, be it rationally or intuitively, consciously or subconsciously.
portfolio November ‘23
+31 6 55 59 67 91
If you have any questions and/or would like to contact me please feel free to do so!
Through my work I aim to share my perspective on matters and promote acceptance and openness towards the individual and our humanness as a whole. These concepts materialise in delicate and sensitive designs closely related to the human body, often wearable.
My work combines poetic stories and messages with an equally convincing execution focussed on craft and quality, showing my strong eye for detail and aesthetics.
I have a strong sense of what I do and do not want and every choice I make is thought-out, be it rationally or intuitively, consciously or subconsciously.
portfolio November ‘23
+31 6 55 59 67 91
If you have any questions and/or would like to contact me please feel free to do so!

publications, exhibitions *, and links:
Article in De Morgen (BE) about Wolf! exhibition (Dutch) _ Dec ‘22
Wees niet bang voor de grote wolf: Villa Verbeelding toont meest esthetische roedel die u ooit zag (demorgen.be)
* CURRENT exhibition: Wolf! - Villa Verbeelding (BE) _ Nov ‘22 - Jun ‘23
TENTOONSTELLING / Wolf! De wolf in illustratie | Villa Verbeelding
work shown: Canis Lupus Hudsonicus
grad show interview with Limburg1 (Dutch) _ Oct ‘22
Limburgers vallen op tijdens de Dutch Design Week - 1Limburg
Point of View - graduation project _ Feb - Jul ‘22
Point of View (designacademy.nl)
PRADA collaboration project _ Feb - Jul ‘21
Prada Group Re-Set
Prada: After the Show (designacademy.nl)
Opinion piece on the renovation of ‘Museum W’ in my hometown (Dutch) _ Jul ‘21
Wat zou jij doen met… Gemeentemuseum W in Weert? - Weert Magazine
* exhibition: Reframing Textiles - TextielMuseum Tilburg (NL) _ Feb - Jul ‘21
Reframing Textiles 2020-2021 - Design Academy Eindhoven (textielmuseum.nl)
work shown: Certainly Uncertain.
* exhibition: Biomaterials archive DDW (NL) _ Oct ‘19
Biomaterials Archive - Ana Lisa and students | Dutch Design Week (ddw.nl)
Biomaterials Archive debuts at Dutch Design Week 2019 (inhabitat.com)
Article in De Morgen (BE) about Wolf! exhibition (Dutch) _ Dec ‘22
Wees niet bang voor de grote wolf: Villa Verbeelding toont meest esthetische roedel die u ooit zag (demorgen.be)
* CURRENT exhibition: Wolf! - Villa Verbeelding (BE) _ Nov ‘22 - Jun ‘23
TENTOONSTELLING / Wolf! De wolf in illustratie | Villa Verbeelding
work shown: Canis Lupus Hudsonicus
grad show interview with Limburg1 (Dutch) _ Oct ‘22
Limburgers vallen op tijdens de Dutch Design Week - 1Limburg
Point of View - graduation project _ Feb - Jul ‘22
Point of View (designacademy.nl)
PRADA collaboration project _ Feb - Jul ‘21
Prada Group Re-Set
Prada: After the Show (designacademy.nl)
Opinion piece on the renovation of ‘Museum W’ in my hometown (Dutch) _ Jul ‘21
Wat zou jij doen met… Gemeentemuseum W in Weert? - Weert Magazine
* exhibition: Reframing Textiles - TextielMuseum Tilburg (NL) _ Feb - Jul ‘21
Reframing Textiles 2020-2021 - Design Academy Eindhoven (textielmuseum.nl)
work shown: Certainly Uncertain.
* exhibition: Biomaterials archive DDW (NL) _ Oct ‘19
Biomaterials Archive - Ana Lisa and students | Dutch Design Week (ddw.nl)
Biomaterials Archive debuts at Dutch Design Week 2019 (inhabitat.com)
Liv Helena Kiggen - 2023