Apr ‘21 - Jun ‘21 _ (In)Visible
a photographic research into unrealness within the real using infrared photography and film.
*this research led to R I F T*
shot with a Fuji XT1 camera
(converted to full spectrum)
35 mm lens
550 nm infrared filter
(converted to full spectrum)
35 mm lens
550 nm infrared filter

“Ars [est] celare artem”
- it is art to conceal art; true art conceals the means by which it is achieved.
- it is art to conceal art; true art conceals the means by which it is achieved.

fujifilm XT1
35 mm lens
850 nm infrared filter
35 mm lens
850 nm infrared filter

(Note: all photography, filming, and image/video editing done by Liv Kiggen)
Liv Helena Kiggen - 2023