Mar ‘21 - Jun ‘21 _  Echoes of Mary (process)

*to see the full explanation and  results of this project, click here*

To bring to life Cave’s religious references throughout his oeuvre and within the song, Liv started this project by exploring existing imagery of the Virgin Mary; Madonnas.

Digital experiments led to stunningly overwhelming, intricate, and perhaps even disturbing superimposed images that have become the starting point for a part of the pattern collection.


artworks left-to-right:

Salus Populi Romani - 590 AD

Stefan Lochner - Madonna im Rosenhag - 1448

Artist Unknown - Madonna on a crescent moon in hortus conclusus - 1450s

Sandro Botticelli - Madonna del Libro - 1481

William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Madonna of the Lillies - 1899

William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Madonna of the Roses - 1903

fabric III

“bound to the ground by creeping ivy coils”

fabric IV/V

“I ran my tin-cup heart along the prison of her ribs” /
“that little girls goes wading in, rolling her dress up past her knee”

fabric VI

“turning these waters into wine”

fabric VII

“spooked by the new shadows that she cast”

Liv Helena Kiggen - 2023