Feb - Jun ‘20 _  I . C . U .

see you - I see - see me - you see

I C U is an exploration of emotional expression. Questioning the culturally determined conventions, limitations, and boundaries around our emotions. Reconsidering common ideas that expressing certain emotions is inappropriate, inconvenient, and unnecessary.
By giving emotions a physical platform, they become visibly present, unavoidable but also accessible.

Through a collection of garments Liv explored how we can express ourselves through the things we wear, both communicating with the outside world, and within ourselves.

I C U provides a space for fragility, vulnerability, and acceptance.
Don’t look away.

*I.C.U. is a continuation of ‘Blood. Sweat. Tears.’*

I. anger - frustration - defeat - stuck - vexed - dissatisfaction - disgruntlement - bitterness - discontent - incapacity - aggravation  - unrest - impatience

II. fear - panic - anxiety - dread - distress - unease - nervosity - stress - tension - discomfort - anguish - torment - franticness - fright - disturbed

III. sadness - melancholy - grief - disconnection - anguish - distress - miserable - detached - discouraged - hurt - lovesick - lonely - isolated - dispirited

(Note: styling, modelling and editing done by Liv Kiggen
photography done by Laura Caris)

Liv Helena Kiggen - 2023